Uxor formosa et vinum sunt dulcia venena

Have you ever noticed? That I’m not acting as I used to do before, Have you ever wondered why I always keep on coming back for more? what have you done to me? I’ll never be the same I’ll tell you for sure !! You really are my ecstasy, my real life fantasy, Not that I’m complaining, a more beautiful vision I've never seen, if you don’t want to sing, a lifelong impression to fulfill my dream......

Saturday 25 October 2008


Increible que aixo passi al segle XXI.... Des d'aqui sugereixo boicot o cancelacio de viatges a Marroc fins que el pobre noi sigui alliberat !!

Tret d'
El Marroc condemna a 18 mesos de presó un estudiant que a la pissarra de classe va escriure "Déu, pàtria i el Barça" en lloc de "Déu, pàtria i rei"

Ahir, el pare del noi va donar una nova versió de la qual fins ara no es tenia notícia. Va explicar al diari Le Soir que el seu fill no va ser condemnat per la frase sobre el Barça, que sí que va escriure, sinó per acompanyar-la de l'expressió "Déu maleeixi el rei". El pare va afegir que el noi anava a escriure "Déu maleeixi el rei... d'Espanya" però que se li havia acabat el guix en els punts suspensius.

Moroccan youngster jailed for comparing king with FC Barcelona
from enews
A Moroccan schoolboy has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for linking King Mohammed VI with the Spanish football club Barcelona, local media reported Friday.

Yassine Belassal, 18, slightly changed the national slogan when writing it on a school blackboard in the village of Ait Ourir near Marrakesh.

"God, fatherland, king," the slogan goes, but Belassal wrote: "God, fatherland, Barca."

The joke did not amuse the headmaster, who informed police. Belassal ended up sharing a Marrakesh jail with dozens of criminals, unable to pass his final exams.

The fate of the young man has upset human rights groups, which have protested to the justice ministry, while internet campaigners have called on Barcelona to intervene in favour of its fan.

Till the poor boy is released i would advocate a boicot of Moroccan products including cancellation of any planned tourism to thr place.

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