Uxor formosa et vinum sunt dulcia venena

Have you ever noticed? That I’m not acting as I used to do before, Have you ever wondered why I always keep on coming back for more? what have you done to me? I’ll never be the same I’ll tell you for sure !! You really are my ecstasy, my real life fantasy, Not that I’m complaining, a more beautiful vision I've never seen, if you don’t want to sing, a lifelong impression to fulfill my dream......

Saturday, 27 October 2007

NOT Everything Is Average Nowadays

No me la puc treure del cap...

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Bleeding Love


Closed off from love
I didn't need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you're frozen ....

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Que n'aprenguin!!

I had NO choice but to dance with HER !!!

Thanks to my Mistres Vampire...mmm for the songs but not for the bites....

Revenge is sweet ....she wants revenge?

Tear You Apart

PS : Per que les vampiresses son de llarg mes sexys que els vampirs?

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Allez les Anglais // Fingers Crossed

Yep! I shall be in the pub suffering with them, just like one of them!
Ala avui toca patir amb la penya anglesa,han arribat a la final de xiripa i tot es possible.....Aqui si que es reparteix llenya de veritat.., un esport d'homes de veritat i no com al futbol on tothom es llença al terra al minim contacte...

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Pain by Picasso // Dolor segons Picasso

The painter named this paint The pain. For the genius suffering constitutes one of the most interesting facets of sexual relations.Ok then bring on the pain...!
El pintor va titular aquest quadro 'El dolor'. Per al genial artista malagueny, el sofriment era una de les facetes més interessants de les relacions carnals.Aixi doncs donem dolor...

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Is what you see for Real? // I tu que hi veus...

Nobuyoshi Araki. 'D'Erotos' planteja un suggerent joc amb l'anatomia humana.

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Self Control // Al ritme de la cançó de fons

Mentres cremava toxines al gimnas i mirava la morena amb el conjunt de negre amb uns ulls blaus profunds aquesta cançó comença a sonar pels altaveus i em porta bons records d'estius a la platja fent el ganso...

Whilst doing my routine at the gym and enjoying the brunette with the tight black gym-suit and beautiful deep blue eyes this song caught my attention bringing back good memories of those long summers at the beach...

Infernal - Self Control

Caramelle Feat. Nitro - Self Control

Soraya - Self Control

Laura Branigan - Self Control (Original Version,1984)

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

October just began but it feels like November Rain...

Potser si que exagero de vegades.....sera que de vegades costa diferenciar entre somnis i realitats

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Fins aviat Anna // Goodbye my friend

Aixi de sobte sense mes explicacions.....potser despres de massa extroversio
ara necessitis introversio......cuidat!!

Jeanette Por que te vas?

James Blunt Goodbye my lover / friend

Cuando un amigo se va..algo se muere en el alma (la lletra de la cançó es el que importa no el clip)